Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How to Beat a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Finally, the Secret, New, Low Rate Program
That Gives Instant Relief From
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy!

Dear Friend,

Traditionally, homeowners who filed a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy have had limited options to lower their payments and otherwise improve their financial situation. Even if they had a perfect payment history under their bankruptcy plan, these homeowners were stuck for two, three, seven or more years until the plan terminated on its own.

Now, select lenders are willing and able to provide A+, low, single digit interest rate loans to homeowners still buried in their Chapter 13 repayment plans!

Since we started beta-testing our Chapter 13 Elimination program, we’ve helped more than 67 Chapter 13 homeowners to get themselves out of their bankruptcy plan, clean up their credit and move on with their lives years before their plan was scheduled to end!

By last count, we had saved our clients an average of $674.78 per month over 17 months, or a lifetime total average of $11,471.26 per client!

Of course, our program is not right for everyone. But over the course of our beta-test, I’ve found that the following are typical reasons why a Chapter 13 homeowner would be eligible for our program:

Fear of being unable to make the Chapter 13 payment and mortgage payment each month. After all, the whole purpose of filing bankruptcy was to give yourself relief and a fresh start, wasn’t it?

Frustration at watching the equity in your home increase almost daily, but being unable to use it as a financial tool to pay your Chapter 13, build up some savings, pay for the kids’ college, make home repairs, etc.

Why should you have to wait two, three or more years when your payment plan ends? How high will rates be then?

Being sick and tired of being under the thumb of a bankruptcy trustee, who eyeballs every dollar. Almost like a parole officer!

The unfortunate fact is that you’re just another case for the trustee, who administers probably hundreds of thousands of cases.

The trustee is responsible for making your payments on time, but in my experience, mistakes are made. So even if your payments to the trustee are timely, there’s no guarantee that the trustee is making its payments on time. Late fees and penalties can rack up even if they’re not your mistakes…but they cost you money!

Then there are other reasons why, once word leaked out about our new program (we’ve never advertised it before) our clients were willing to crawl naked over broken glass to our offices for help:

Embarrassment at being associated with the “B Word” (bankruptcy) knowing that their friends, neighbors, work associates were looking at them with pitying or judgmental eyes.

The emotional toll this is taking on you and your family.

Knowledge that you’re stuck in this situation, paying for your mistakes for another two, three or more years.

Worse, you’re paying for a situation that wasn’t your fault - something that happened because of one of life’s cruel jokes:

Unforeseen medical bills
Job layoff
Business Failure
Other unexpected loss of income

Do you have any idea of the likelihood of completing your Chapter 13 Plan properly?

Industry statistics show that approximately 37% of people in a Chapter 13 complete it successfully. That means that a whopping 63% are dismissed for non-payment!

Frequently, early dismissal for non-compliance is the start of a very slippery slope for Chapter 13 Homeowners… their credit becomes irreparably ruined, their homes fall into foreclosure. It’s a huge hole to dig out of!

So how do you get yourself out of your predicament? Open up the yellow pages and go to just any bank, lender or mortgage broker?

That’s what some folks do. They make a choice based on some glossy, full page ad in the newspaper, phonebook or one of those real estate advertising books without a moment’s thought about the credentials of the person behind the ad.

But consider this: let’s say you need open heart surgery. Do you pull out a yellow pages directory and look for the doctor with the prettiest ad? Or a general practitioner who handles all cases? Or the doctor who says he’s the cheapest? (Please tell me you answered “no” to all of those questions!)

No. You’d go to a specialist, to ensure that you were getting the best care possible.

A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is a unique, difficult specialty that I’ve chosen to immerse myself in. Why? Well, candidly, I could have picked any number of fields to go into. But my choice boiled down to this reason: I prefer to help people who need help the most. People who appreciate the skill and effort involved in helping them. People who didn’t have much hope before they met me.

To Get Out of Your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
You Need Someone with
Insider Experience and Knowledge

I am an expert in helping people with Bankruptcies or other credit issues obtain single digit mortgage rates. I’ve developed an expertise in Chapter 13 buyout mortgage refinances. I’m a specialist, helping folks like you, day in, day out.

Here are some more of my credentials:

Over 20 years experience in the Financial Services industry

Local Resident (Boulder), Father of Three

Graduate of Seattle University (MBA) and University of Colorado - Boulder (B.S. – Finance & Accounting)

Do You Have These Questions?

Some of the more common questions are summarized below:

How Much Will this Cost Me? What are Your Rates and Fees?

Candidly, my time is worth a minimum of $350 per hour because I save my clients thousands of dollars, actually, an average of more than $11,000. But for now (and I will change my mind at some point in the future, probably without notice) I have decided to waive my consultation fee and charge nothing for a free, 30 minute consultation.

Of course, there’s only one of me and this Report is being offered to hundreds of people in your situation, so I can’t enroll everyone in our program. We can handle no more than 4-6 people per month because this is such a time-intensive process that demands a significant amount of our firm’s resources.

In terms of rate and fees, it’s impossible to give a meaningful quote without first examining your income, credit score, Chapter 13 payment history and other data. You’ve got to be wary of any quote given without regard for these factors!

How Long Does the Process Take?

Generally speaking, once I have everything in my processing department’s hands, we can close within approximately 10-12 business days. The key is getting everything we need, quickly: the appraisal, the payment history from the trustee, a copy of the Chapter 13 Plan and other specialized documents. Depending on the response time from the various third parties and your own response time, this preliminary information gathering can take a few days or more than one week.

That’s why we make sure our clients understand that we need the utmost, quickest cooperation from them. We rely heavily on their efforts in the information gathering process. We can’t do our job without your cooperation. And that’s why we admit only motivated clients into our program.

Do You Offer Any Guarantees?

Yes. We offer a closing cost guarantee unmatched by anyone we know of. Plain and simple:

We will pay you $1,000, no questions asked, if there is more than a $300 discrepancy between the Closing Costs on Your Settlement Statement and your Final Signed, Good Faith Estimate.

Details are provided in our application package, but this guarantee is designed to give you the comfort of knowing that we’re not one of those bait and switch predatory lending mortgage companies run by guys who talk and look like they were cast members of The Sopranos. (I promise: no pinkie rings!)

What do I Need to Get Approved?

You’ll receive a list of the necessary items in the application package. In short, we’ll need backup documentation to help us tell the story of what happened in your life that caused the bankruptcy. So if it was a divorce, we’ll need to see the divorce decree. If it was unforeseen medical expenses, we’ll need old bills or collection notices, etc. We’ll go over all this at the initial consultation.

What is the Next Step? What do I Need to Do To Apply?

As I said before, we only have room to accept a fraction of the recipients of our Free Report. If you’re at all inclined to take us up on our limited, free consultation offer, I urge you contact us immediately! I’m usually booked 2-3 weeks out, sometimes even months!

The office number is 303-440-6900. My assistant Phyllis can schedule your free, 30 minute consultation.

***Note - If you don’t want to take a chance that we won’t be able to fit you in, fax back the short qualification form I’ve inserted into this report: 303-443-3949.***


Let’s review my offer to you. I’m offering a free, half hour consultation, a $175 value with me, a Mortgage Expert specializing in obtaining low, single digit rates for homeowners with bankruptcies or other credit challenges.

The biggest thing you stand to lose is related to the COST OF WAITING. If you’re struggling and want to cut your payments, you should act now before:

§ Your credit deteriorates;
§ Interest rates spike up;
§ You get stuck with more mysterious, non-accountable fees while in your bankruptcy; or
§ Home values drop.

Like I just mentioned, you could be racking up unfair, undeserved penalties and interest as we speak, even if you’re making your payments on time to the bankruptcy trustee! Who knows how good a job the trustee is doing keeping your payments on schedule? It’s not fair, but it happens, believe me!

Listen, I want to go over something else with you. Some people sit and listen to my advice, agree with it, but never do anything! These are the people who sink into further financial strife or worse, end up losing their homes.

Want to hear my theory on why they decide to do nothing? My theory will not win me a Nobel Prize. My explanation is: some do, some don’t. I know that’s not a good answer, but that’s just the way it is.

My challenge to you is: be one of the folks who “do.” Take charge of your life. Don’t sit around, moping that you’re a victim of circumstances. You’ve got a special opportunity to help yourself. Don’t be a “don’t.”


By coming in to talk with me you can rest assured that we will examine your scenario in detail, outline a comprehensive plan to transform you from your current, gut-wrenching, stressful situation to peaceful, restful nights where you’ll sleep like a baby.

And, your ultimate security, if you decide to move forward with us, I’ll give you my No B.S. $1,000 Closing Cost Guarantee so you’ll have piece of mind from start to finish!

So you see, I can’t make this offer any more irresistible than it already is. I urge you to call us today 303-440-6900 or fill out the short form and fax back to 303-443-3949.

To Your Financial Freedom,

Bill Hendrick, MBA
Chapter 13 Elimination Specialist
Mortgage America *
1525 Spruce St. #201
Boulder, CO 80302
*Licensed Mortgage Brokerage Business

P.S. You’ve really got nothing to lose by calling us. The longer you wait, the more money you’ll flush down the toilet. Don’t wait for rates to increase, the housing market to cool off or your credit to drop! Call or fax your short form in today!

P.P.S. As of the date of this Report I have only [3] available consultation spots left. So if you’re motivated to change your life, don’t wait call now! If you don’t call today, you might be put on a waiting list. Don’t delay!

P.P.P.S. Of course, all inquiries are kept in the strictest confidence. The fax for your form goes to a private, secure fax machine.

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